Kamis, 10 Februari 2022

Promoting E-Learning for ESP Advertising


Hi, everyone good day?

How are you doing today? Hopefully, everyone is good 😊

In the first meeting, it will be better to get to know your lecturer closely before beginning the lesson. My complete name is Dr. Widya Rizky Pratiwi, S.Pd.,, MM, but you may call me Ibu Widya. I completed my doctoral degree in February 2021 from the English Education Department, State University of Makassar. At this time, It is glad to meet you and I am honored to teach you at the English course as the supporting skill to increase your major in advertising. English for Specific Purpose in advertising or we may call "English for advertising" is the name of our subject this semester.

To know the rule of or lesson during one semester, in this first meeting I share with you the Lesson plan and learning contract (RPS & Kontrak Belajar) that can be asked when you get an unclear understanding.


Ok then, for starting our meeting, I will guide you to know more about this "English for advertising" course. English for advertising is a course taught to Polimedia students who are currently in semester 3. This course is focused on providing students with the ability to master English vocabulary related to the industrial world, especially in the field of advertising. This course provides. Besides, ESP advertising also supports the students' competency in public speaking and expertise in utilizing some digital tools. Thus, this subject is directed to fulfill all those requirements by integrating all English basic skills (speaking, writing, reading, and listening) for these communication goals.

Next, special in this meeting, to help us more in the English learning process during this semester, I will share the tools we would like to use. They are blogs or websites as of the writing platforms and google translation. 

Blogger is a blog-publishing service platform owned by Google. Blogs are media or digital writing platforms that can be accessed at any time using digital media supported by an internet connection. Blogs can be used as digital literacy media, learning resources, and self-actualization venues. So, apart from accessing English 3 courses, students also have an interest in doing other productive work through their own blog page. The blog will be utilized to transfer the material and submit the task. So, we will use this platform to record all our activities this semester, which may also be supported by the WhatsApp group to get a fast response. 

This blog platform provides advantages such as convenience, accessibility, and various interesting features with colorful theme designs. There are various kinds of writing platforms that can be used by students as a place to practice, both paid and free, but the lecturer only recommends that students create free blogs, for example, www.blogger.com and www.wordpress.com


The second tool that has an enormous contribution to ESP Advertising (English for Advertising) learning process is google translation or the other translation tools. Google translation is effortless to use. We just make sure that we are connected to the internet. The steps are:

  1. Opening the link (https://translate.google.co.id/?hl=id).
  2. Setting the language will be translated, for example, English to Indonesia or Indonesia to English.
  3. Typing or copy-pasting the draft of Indonesia or English text. 
  4. Then, we will the translation text in writing form. 

Google translation does not only help us translate the text but also aids us in improving our pronunciation practice. After having the writing form, we can turn on the microphone symbol in the lower-left corner to know the pronunciation. Then, we can also practice our speaking fluency by imitating the pronunciation sounded by google translation.


So guys, keep practicing yeah, and have a nice dream...

1 komentar:

  1. Nur Khadafi periklanan 2021



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