Rabu, 19 Januari 2022

Task 16: UAS (Project based Learning) Role Play


Skill Focus/ Goals:

  1. Enlarge Vocabularies related to Computer
  2. Improve Pronunciation
  3. Improve knowledge and understanding about computers.
  4. Practice Speaking Fluency
  5. Improve Self-Confidence
  6. Establishing team work

Description/ Plot of the Role Play:

Suppose you are meeting with your friends in one place, then you are involved in a long conversation all things related to the computer, as follows:

  1. Parts of computer (https://www.pratiwiwidyarizky.my.id/2021/09/chapter-2-parts-of-computer.html)
  2. Multimedia (PowerPoint) (https://www.pratiwiwidyarizky.my.id/2021/09/chapter-3-multimedia-powerpoint.html)
  3. Internet and website (https://www.pratiwiwidyarizky.my.id/2021/09/chapter-4-internet-and-website.html)
  4. English for ICT (https://www.pratiwiwidyarizky.my.id/2021/09/chapter-6-english-for-ict.html)

How to do the task?

Step 1:

  1. Make a group consist of 3-4 students (choose the group’s members)
  2. One group for one theme (choose the theme)
  3. Make a long conversation/ story related to the theme (write in your blog with Indonesian and English version)
  4. Understanding and memorize the story/ conversation
  5. Practice the conversation

 Step 2:

  1. Setting the place of the story related to the theme
  2. Make a video of role play, it is about 10 minutes.
  3. Edit the video as wonderful as you can

How to Submit the task?

The chairman of the group should send th following three items in the comment’s coloum:

  1. The group members
  2. The blog link of your conversation/ story (in the writing form)
  3. The youtube/ google drive link of your video (as result of role play)

When will be the deadline of the task submission?

The task should be submitted on January 26, 2022

Assesment Guidelines:


Item Penilaian

Bobot (%)


Vocabulary Mastery



Critical Thinking Ability/ Content



Pronunciation & Speaking Fluency



Team Work



Self confidence





Selasa, 18 Januari 2022

Task 15: Memorizing the Words


In this fifteenth meeting (meeting 15), you are instructed to practice your pronunciation and retention to utter and memorize 20 words (Part C: Vocabulary in "English for ICT" reading text). To complete the task, there are some steps that could be done, as follows:

  1. Read the words
  2. Practice the sounds/ utterance
  3. Memorize the words
  4. Record the video
  5. Save the video on google drive/ youtube
  6. Share the link in the following comments

Remember, understand the meaning of the text before you read to make you easily understand the content of the text. Use google translation to help you understand the reading and practice your pronunciation skills.

Below are the 20 words listed 

The material can be accessed from the following link


(Part C: Vocabulary in "English for ICT" reading text)

The deadline and technique of task submission:

The deadline for task submission is Friday, 28 January 2022

Good luck 😊

Senin, 03 Januari 2022

Task 14: Pronunciation Practice: English for ICT Reading Text


In this fourteenth meeting (meeting 14), you are instructed to practice your reading skills entitle English for ICT (Reading Text chapter 6, part A), and then record your voice as a podcast by using anchor or any other tools that can help you to record your voice. Remember, understand the meaning of the text before you read to make you easily understand the content of the text. Use google translation to help you understand the reading and practice your pronunciation skills.

The material can be accessed at the following link


(Part A, Reading text)

The deadline and technique of task submission:

The assignment can be submitted by writing the following format

Complete name and share the link of your podcast that can be accessed in the comment space.

For example:

Widya Rizky Pratiwi


The deadline for task submission is Friday, 7 January 2021

Good luck 😊

Task 13: Language Focus "Simple Past Tense"

A.  Exercise

Exercise 1: Write five sentences about simple past tense!

1.      (+)…………………………………………………………………



2.      (+)…………………………………………………………………



3.      (+)…………………………………………………………………



4.      (+)…………………………………………………………………



5.      (+)…………………………………………………………………




Exercise 3: Choose one of the pictures below and explain it in around 100 words.

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Exercise 3: Write some paragraphs about the theme (job opportunity in Internet Computer and Technology/ ICT) based on your opinion and read it aloud in front of the class.


The deadline and technique of task submission:

Answer the above exercises about simple past tense in your blog. Then, share the link of your blog in the comment to be accessed easily. Don't forget to use google translation to help you understand the meaning more. Besides, enlarge your references about simple past tense. The main source of material can be accessed 


(Part C: Language Focus: Simple past tense)

The deadline for task submission is Tuesday, 4 January 2021

Ok, Good luck and have a nice day  Source of Reading:

English for Publishing Professionals: The CENTRUM Framework

"Speak with confidence, publish with impact. Your journey to excellence starts here!" English for Publishing Professionals: The CE...