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Types of Publishing

Reading Practice

Instruction: Read the following reading text silently and loudly!

Let’s look at some of the publishing methods that are currently in existence today. This is not a comprehensive list, nor does it include audio and video publishing.


Books: books are obviously the first thing that comes to mind when you think about publishing. The publishing has been done for centuries, encompassing both fictions that you read for pleasure and academic textbooks that are used in schools. Although the e-book has definitely dealt print books a blow, they are still in the competition and all you have to do is go to a local bookstore to see that.

Magazines: magazines are another publishing method that is used today. Periodicals like magazines are published weekly or monthly and encompass a huge range of topics, some broad and some very small.

Newspapers: you are probably also familiar with newspapers. Although many people get their news online these days or read newspapers on a tablet, the print newspaper is still very much in fashion. You can buy it at the supermarket or from one of the vending machines on the sidewalk. Newspapers are a very specific type of publication that is easy to recognize instantly.


Other Print Media: of course, there is other print media out there as well. Closely related to the newspaper is the newsletter. Newsletters are often just a single page perhaps two, and they may be limited to a very small audience. For example, many companies publish newsletters for their employees. Other kinds of print media that can be published include mailing advertisements, flyers and much more.


Blogs: now we will get into some of the digital publishing that is going on today. The first one that we will be discussing is the modern blog. Although blogs can be considered a form of publishing, oftentimes they are more about personal information about what is going on in the blogger’s life than they are about topics that a broader range of people would be concerned about. However, there are review blogs and news blogs as well.


E-Newsletters: E-newsletters are a type of publication that is usually sent to an email inbox. Subscribers sign up for an electronic newsletter and then they receive information from the company or individual publishing the newsletter. For the most part, these have replaced the print newsletter because they are so much cheaper to produce.


Websites: another form of publishing is the website. Most people do not think about their website – or any website really – as a publication, but under normal definition putting information on the web so that everyone can view it is definitely considered publishing. This is especially true for websites that publish regular content such as major news organizations that publish articles solely on their website.


Articles: articles are definitely another form of publishing online. You can publish articles in many places around the web with your own content. These are different than articles that you might post on your own website or blog. They're usually posted on third-party websites such as Web 2.0 sites.


EBooks: finally, e-books are another form of publishing. E-books have taken over when it comes to fiction. Although it will be a long time before the print book is – out-of-print so to speak – e-books are steadily becoming more popular as more and more people get devices that can read them. Amazon is definitely the primary party responsible for the rise of e-books and e-book publishing.


Other Online Publishing: there are also other forms of online publishing that we have not covered here. In fact, there is a great deal of variety when it comes to publishing on the web.

Adapted from 

Conversation Practice
Instruction: Answer the following question and practice with your friends!

  1. What is publishing?
  2. What is a publisher?
  3. Explain the history of publishing!
  4. who invented the actual movable machine type in the history of publishing?
  5. Mention some products of publishing!

Pronunciation Practice

Instruction: Pronounce the following words and understanding the meaning!


List of Difficult Words

























ˈflī ər



















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