In this second meeting, please make a learning diary in your own blog which is started with the introduction, content, and closing. Introduction means what subject you learn, on what day and date you learn, who is the lecturer, how many students attend the class, what method is used in learning the subject, etc. Content means the summary of the material given by the lecturer. In this part, please conclude all the materials by using your own words. While in the closing part, you may explain the assignment given for the next meeting and the strategy given by the lecturer to do and complete the task.
In doing your assignment, you may start by making Indonesian language and then you can translate by using google translation. after that arrange the sentences well based on the correct grammar. After getting the English text, please practice your speaking fluency by following the google translation voice. Remember: Practice makes us perfect.
The deadline and technique of task submission:
Make and submit two languages in your blog, Indonesian and English versions to be easy to understand your point of view.
The assignment can be submitted by writing the following format
Complete name and share the link that can be accessed in the comment space.
For example:
Widya Rizky Pratiwi
The deadline for task submission is Thursday, 23 September 2021
Ok, Good luck and have a nice day 😊
Sources of Reading:
I like the introduction in the first sentence Diva, keep spirit yah..
HapusOk please understand more the different of mother/ mom (ibu yang melahirkan) and mam (dosen/ ibu guru/ yg kita hormati namun bukan yg melahirkan kita)
Risma Amanda Putri
Ok risma, understanding the use of past tense is great
it could not opened yet
BalasHapusOk aswandy, try to be your self yah
BalasHapusZulaiqha Maharani
Maaf bu linknya saya ganti
HapusZulaiqha Maharani
ok liqa, i like the picture. your duty next is try to improve your grammar yah. Good luck
HapusBaik Bu,insya Allah saya akan lebih baik lagi.
HapusThank You Ma'am :)
Boy Parlidungan Purba
Ok Boy. Well explanation but please more understand the use of he (dia untuk laki-laki) or she (dia untuk perempuan). Widya is woma/ perempuan. Please use "she" for me.
HapusAnd next, be your self yah
thank you ma'am
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusAlfia ningsi
Ok alfhia, thats good. But don't forget to use Subject in your sentence to create a complete and well arrange sentence. and also "supervisor" will be better to change "lecturer"
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
I could not open amel
Hapuscan not be opened
BalasHapusMuhammad Isra Alif
Ok isra, that's good but please make more introduction and closing yah.. And I still fail to understand the meaning of the picture. I don't think it is related to the publishing
HapusCindy Marista Sanny A.
Gracencia Natalia Ramba
Maaf baru kirim kemarin salah kasih maskirim tugas🙏
HapusIbu saya update link baru