Senin, 13 September 2021

Meeting 1: Introduction: How Blog and google translation help us in learning English

Hi every one good morning?

How are you today? I hope every one is fine 😊

In the first meeting, I think it will be better to know you lecturer before starting the lesson. My complete name is Dr. Widya Rizky Pratiwi, S.Pd.,, MM. But you may call me Ibu Widya. I completed my doctoral degree on February 2021. In this opportunity, I am really happy that I am trusted to teach you again about English as the supporting skill to increase your major in publishing. So, the name of our subject in this semester is English for Specific Purpose of Publishing (ESP Publishing).

To know the rule of or lesson during one semester, in this first meeting I share you Lesson plan and learning contract (RPS & Kontrak Belajar) that you may ask when you get unclear text. 

Ok well, while talking about lesson plan and learning contract, I will also share the tools that may help us more in the learning process, namely writing platform (such as blog) and google translation. Our blog will be used to transfer the material and submit the task. So, to record all our activities, we will use this platform, which may also be supported by WhatsApp group.

The second tools that have the big role in ESP Publishing learning process is google translation or the other translation tools. Google translation is easy to use. We just make sure that we are connected to the internet. The first step is open Set the language will be translated, for example English to Indonesia or Indonesia to English and after that you type or copy paste the draft of Indonesia or English text. Then, we get the translation text in the writing form. 

Google translation does not only help us translating the text, but also improve our pronunciation practice. After having the writing form, we can turn on the microphone in the lower left corner to know the pronunciation. Then, we ca also practice our speaking fluency by imitating the pronunciation.

So guys, keep spirit and practice yeah...

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English for Publishing Professionals: The CENTRUM Framework

"Speak with confidence, publish with impact. Your journey to excellence starts here!" English for Publishing Professionals: The CE...