Book Cover Impact of Covid-19 on Global Society: Challenge and Way Forward
Going Virtual amid the Covid‐19 Pandemic:
Challenges and Opportunities in Educational Sphere
late December 2019, a previous unidentified coronavirus emerged in Wuhan,
China. It then resulted in a formidable outbreak in several cities in China and
expanded globally, including the Thailand, Republic of Korea, Japan,
Philippines, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Australia, United States, and many countries
in the world. The disease is officially named Coronavirus Disease-2019
(COVID-19, by WHO on February 11, 2020). Wu, Chen, and Chan (2020) also report
that the 2019 novel coronavirus is named Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens
on January 15, 2020, by the Taiwan CDC, the Ministry of Health is a contagious
transmission may occur through droplet or contact transmission. It may
jeopardize if there is a lack of stringent infection control and no proper
personal protective equipment available. The epidemic has brought the risk of
death from infection. However, there is no definite treatment for COVID-19,
although some drugs are still under investigation. To promptly identify
patients and prevent further spreading, physicians should be aware of the
patient's travel or contact history with compatible symptoms.
to support health workers who are fighting at the forefront, governments
worldwide must take prompt and appropriate action. Until now, many efforts have
been made, one of which is the application of physical distancing to
temporarily suppress the community's direct social interactions. This physical
distancing policy is then applied to several instructions such as work and study
from home, locdown, not touching directly, not gathering activities, wearing
masks, washing hands every time, etc.
from the Educational Perspective
eruption of the COVID-19 has affected every sphere of life, and it may forever
change the way people live, mindset, behave, and how we run all the activities.
Of all the governance sectors, the educational industry appears to have been
most significantly affected. Corona pandemic (COVID-19) creates a new room for
academic discussion from the pedagogic point of view. It also introduces a
virtual education system.
people say its outbreak results in unbearable psychological pressure,
especially for educational practitioners. Therefore, it requires a more
pragmatic approach to resolution. Research conducted on college students from
Changzhi medical college gained 7,143 responses, in which they all experience
anxiety even though at different levels. Results indicated that 0.9% of the
respondents experienced severe stress, 2.7% moderate anxiety, and 21.3% mild
anxiety. Moreover, having relatives and acquaintances infected with COVID-19
was a risk factor for increasing college students' pressure. A study was also
conducted in the Spanish university community during the first weeks of
confinement. It employed The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) to
assess symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress with an online survey to
2530 members of the University of Valladolid. Moderate to extremely severe
anxiety, stress, and depression scores were reported by 21.34%, 34.19%, and
28.14% of the respondents. A total of 50.43% of respondents presented a
moderate to the severe impact of the outbreak. It indicated that students seem
to have suffered a substantial psychological impact during the first weeks of
the COVID-19 lockdown. Thus, to provide timely crisis-oriented psychological
services and take preventive measures in future pandemic situations, university
students' mental health should be carefully monitored
the other hand, even though this sudden Covid attack has shocked the world of
education, it opens the opportunity to go one step further in responding to
society's readiness to use technology to face the 4.0 era. It also trains
parents to mentor their children and to connect emotionally with each other.
Therefore, it is hoped that after the Covid-19 epidemic, we will become
accustomed to the current system as a new learning culture in education.
Learning Model during the Covid-19 Emergency
we already know, the Covid 19 pandemic's emergence affects all sectors of life,
including education. It was so abrupt, and the spreading is going fast, which
many institutions were not aware of the significant effect of the disease
worldwide. The result was a complete standstill for some days and learning
activities at the start of the pandemic must be temporarily stopped until the
best solution to overcome the problem is found.
is one of the aspects used as a forum for shaping the nation's children's
character. Therefore, education is an important sector that must not be shaken
due to the Covid-19 attack. In the end, governments around the world made a
policy by instructing that the implementation of face-to-face learning must be
immediately changed to an online method. Online learning is not done
face-to-face like conventional learning in general but uses specific platforms
or applications. The learning system is implemented through a personal computer
(PC) or laptop connected to an internet network connection. Educators can learn
together at the same time using groups on social media such as WhatsApp (WA),
telegram, Instagram, zoom applications, google meet, Facebook, google
classroom, etc., as learning media. Thus, educators can ensure students follow
the learning simultaneously, even though in different places.
rapid change has certainly shocked some education practitioners in the world.
Whether ready or not, the implementation of learning must be carried out to
maintain and improve the quality of the nation's education in the current
emergency condition.
the study from home period, educators must ensure that teaching and learning
activities continue to run well, even though students are at home. In a
situation that demands these educational practitioners' readiness, learning
materials must be packaged as well as possible to maintain motivation to learn
and teach. Educators must be able to design learning media to be attractive as
an innovation by utilizing online media. They must also be able to provide
measurable tasks under the objectives of the material presented to students.
Moreover, they must also select the best online media suitable for the
condition because the success or failure of the online learning process is also
largely determined by the selection of the electronic media used.
many cases occur when applying this online learning system, including a lack of
students and teachers who can operate the online media well. Students' low
economic condition is also a problem of the inability to buy smartphones to
learn online and internet quota as a tool of fighting in learning during the
Covid emergency. Besides, the unequal internet signal in each region is also an
obstacle. Thus, the implementation of education becomes less controlled.
World’s Challenges in Online Learning amid Covid-19 Pandemic
2020, several studies have been conducted rapidly to trace the implementation
of education in various parts of the world, such as India, Pakistan, Saudi
Arabia, Germany, Nigeria, South Korea, Indonesia, etc.
the lockdown period, around 70% of undergraduate and postgraduate learners of
various colleges and universities of West Bengal, India, were involved in
electronic learning. Most of the learners used android mobile for responding to
this kind of learning. However, students have been facing various problems
related to depression anxiety, poor internet connectivity, and an unfavorable
study environment. The challenges are mainly faced by the students in remote
areas and marginalized sections. This study suggests targeted interventions to
create a positive space for study among students from society's vulnerable
section. Strategies are urgently needed to build a resilient education system
in the state that will develop the skill for employability and the productivity
of the young minds.
Pakistan, undergraduate and postgraduate were surveyed to find their
perspectives about online education amid Coronavirus (COVID-19). The study's
findings highlighted that online learning could not produce desired results in
underdeveloped countries like Pakistan, where a vast majority of students are
unable to access the internet due to technical and monetary issues. The lack of
face-to-face interaction with the instructor, response time, and absence of
traditional classroom socialization was among some other issues highlighted by
higher education students.
Abdulaziz University (KAU), Uni Emirat Arab, is the most high-tech institution
in the Middle East that easily coped with the saddest time for education in
recent history. The case study research of a government university in Saudi
Arabia, King Abdulaziz University, was applied to collect the data and
observations about the teaching and learning practices in the mid of Covid-19
outbreak. It was found the online learning or distance learning is critical as
a tool of education nowadays. It is the only way we can continue education in
the time of COVID-19 that has disrupted the global education scenario. However,
there are many challenges to successfully deploying the educational tenets to
attain pre-determined aims and objectives. Therefore, proper training for human
resources and institutional preparedness is inevitable.
Germany, it was investigated how ready higher education students were for
emergency remote teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic and how this influenced
their social-emotional perceptions. Results of 1,826 respondents indicate that
most of them seem to be ready for digital learning. However, they have
significant different perception regarding their readiness for digital learning
in terms of prior experiences with e-learning, technology equipment
availability, and digital learning skills. In this Covid 19 emergency, students
also experienced social-emotional conditions: worries, tension, joy, and
overload. However, these stress-related emotions and emotional loneliness
significantly differed due to cluster membership. Hence, the study points to a
need for higher education students' support in successfully coping with
emergency remote studying challenges.
June 29th, Sub-Sahara Africa reported 382,190 cases of COVID-19 outbreak.
Several Sub Sahara African governments implement the resolution by slamming
learning institutions to enclose the infection to respond to this pandemic.
Consequently, advanced schooling institutions must reorganize their learning
system in providing education and changing to online platforms. Digital Global
Overview Report (2020) describes that about 60 percent of people from Nigeria
are not associated with the internet connection. The data for mobile phones,
which could also be used as a learning intermediate, is more hopeful. For the
populace with access, the quantity would be twisted towards high socio-economic
households and urban households. An awe-inspiring preponderance is private
school students who already have a learning benefit over their community school
peers. In contrast, students from lower backgrounds tend to have less access to
internet connectivity, computers, and other devices. Most of these children
reside in rural areas where local languages take dominance over English, and
ICT-learning uptake is limited.
study in some high schools in rural areas of South Korea examined the
significant personal and technological challenges face amid the COVID-19
pandemic. This study underlined that students’ greatest unique challenge was
sleeping during online classes, followed by distractions such as watching
Youtube, Netflix, and other online videos. The exciting one from 87.4% of
students’ responses is while students admitted to sleeping when learning
online, no parental monitoring of the children’s activities when they are doing
the online classes. Their parents do not also control their schoolwork. This
study also highlighted the major technological and online class obstacles that
students encountered. Students’ significant challenges were the lack of sufficient
time to complete the tasks and the misunderstanding of instructions due to
unclear explanation or connection interference. Interestingly, students are
enthusiastic about teachers’ videos, live classes, and Youtube videos as the
preferred media for online courses, while PDF instructions were the least
preferred method. Students may find that interactive and video formats as the
closest simulation of conventional classroom lessons and they may find more
trouble understanding written texts and instructions. Thus, it is suggested
that teachers can use videos or do live classes via zoom, google meet, etc., to
maintain the students’ motivation in learning.
(2020) reports the information from previous researches about the impact of
online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, namely students are
bored with online learning after the first two weeks of learning from home, and
they suffer the emotional disturbances are indicated by changes in mood caused
by too many assignments that are considered ineffective by students. Wifi's availability or internet access due to
geographical location that is difficult to reach internet signals or
financially for purchasing quota packages is crucial for online learning
continuity. Therefore, the considerable anxiety attack those whose parents have
low income. And the last, the problems come from teachers' difficulties in
explaining the material and the inadequate school facilities in supporting
virtual learning.
COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has caused a variety of panic in the community, and
it highly impacts the implementation of the education sector. Most of the
challenges the world faces in the performance of online learning during
Covid-19 are similar. They are about suffering anxiety and stress in facing a
virtual teaching and learning process as a new method in response to the
Covid-19 pandemic, the lack of readiness of education actors in implementing
virtual learning, and inadequate facilities to support the success of this new
learning method. Therefore, it is crucial to carry out necessary the students’
psychological intervention and mental health monitoring during epidemics,
offering several virtual pieces of training for teachers related to technology-based
learning, and providing some facilities that support the implementation of this
online learning is highly needed.
Opportunities behind Covid-19 Pandemic in Education Sector
Covid-19 pandemic ushered the world today into an era of worry and challenge.
It indeed poses many threats to the world of education. The Covid 19 pandemic
will only feel a burden and cause excessive anxiety if we cannot manage
productivity and maintain positive thoughts. As a result, people will only see
the wrong side and feel the negative impact of what is happening. Meanwhile,
this challenge can create new opportunities to solve various problems.
Therefore, what must be done is that the world community needs to see the gold
behind this global disaster. So, the threats can be turned into opportunities
to advance the world of education.
The Covid-19 pandemic has positively impacted the emergence of innovations in the education sector, such as technology-based teaching. It can also develop critical thinking skills and motivate oneself to go through difficult times to stay focused on achieving more advanced the education goals. The opportunities are listed below
1. Triggering the Acceleration of Educational Transformation
The Covid-19 disaster led to the temporary closure of schools to stop the pandemic from moving. In exchange, the government has implemented a Distance Education system. Technology-based distance learning systems certainly require educational institutions, teachers, students, and parents to be competent and literate about technology. It triggers an accelerated transformation of educational technology that certainly has a positive impact because the use of technology in education is in line with the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which continues to advance.
2. The emergence of various online learning applications
The acceleration of the transformation of educational technology due to the Corona pandemic has made various platforms launch various online learning applications as an effort to support virtual distance learning. The emergence of various online learning applications has made the world of technology richer, and learning from home can still be done well as long as the internet network is stable. Online learning applications are developed by providing features that make it easier to implement a virtual learning system.
3. Various Free Online Courses
Free online courses have begun to bloom amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Many tutoring agencies provide free or discounted online courses to students. This situation certainly opens opportunities for tutoring institutions to develop institutions, open job opportunities, and do as much charity as possible during the Covid-19 pandemic. On the other hand, the presence of free online course offers provides an excellent opportunity for students to develop their potential by choosing various types of skills to improve, which, fortunately, all learning activities can be done even from home.
4. Unlimited Creativity
The Corona pandemic makes new ideas emerge. Scientists, researchers, lecturers, and students in the health sector are trying to conduct experiments to find a Covid-19 vaccine. Meanwhile, scientists in education are increasingly discovering new, practical, technology-based learning model innovations. IT experts design modern technology to support work from home or social distancing policies. And all scientists in the world are developing something new to remain productive and able to get out of the Covid 19 crisis. They disseminate these new findings through international communication via social media, articles, etc. The general public has also contributed to overcoming the shortage of masks by making masks that can be re-washed, and several unlimited creativities.
5. Parents and Teachers Collaboration
During this pandemic, students will undoubtedly spend time studying at home, where this requires innovative collaboration between parents and teachers so that students can continue to learn online effectively. Innovative partnerships can also resolve various complaints during online learning. Therefore, this will have a positive impact on the world of education. Besides, online learning can strengthen the relationship between parents and children who have been a bit tenuous because of some business in carrying out their respective activities outside the home. It will certainly add to the love for children and respect for parents.
6. Application of Science in the Family
When all schools are closed, Study from Home (SFH) instruction becomes the best opportunity for students to apply their knowledge in the family, either just opening a small discussion or by teaching the knowledge gained to the family. It plays a vital role in increasing students' understanding of science. Because science will not be useful if it is not applied directly. A knowledge that is used directly will provide benefits not only to those who apply it but also to those who accept the application of that knowledge.
7. Building a Positive Mental
his book, a World Muslim Motivator says that to make positive changes in life,
then start by surrendering to God because that way, we will get spiritual power
to make changes. After that, replace our thoughts with positive thoughts, which
will affect the condition of the soul. In Energy Medicine, a doctor from
Harvard University also said that the soul causes more than 90% of the body's
diseases. It is called Psycho-Somatic Disease. That is, the soul (psycho)
thinks and affects the body (somo). The quotation means that we have the
challenge of not making room for negative mentalities to develop. On the
contrary, we must build a positive mentality so that the Corona pandemic cannot
pose the slightest threat.
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