Cover Buku English for Computer: Communication Skills in ICT
Entering the 5.0 era, technology and information are overgrowing, where all information, from within and outside the country, can be easily obtained through sophisticated technology. Communication can be done quickly as long as we can master international languages and technology. Therefore, computer skills and
English is fundamental.
For students, mastering these two fields can lead to a better future. Why?
Because colleges, scholarships, and the world of work provides more excellent
opportunities for those with English proficiency and computer skills.
In the information system itself, programming terms and instructions for running computer applications are designed in English. Like coding data or
analyzing data, most applications or software used can only run commands in
English. If we understand English, it will be straightforward to understand what it meant. By understanding English terms for computers, we will get an initial idea of how the components of the programming language work. Understanding the work of features will determine how we create programs or applications later. Therefore,
English has become the language that underlies the development of information systems.
One of the professions that also require English is the profession of IT
(Information Technology) Professionals. Also, dealing with computer English, the to analyze material according to the students’ needs. Thank you very much to Prof.
Jasruddin, M.Si, as Head of Higher Education Service Region IX (LLDIKTI IX), for all the support given. He is my real motivator and inspiration. To Bapak Agus Halid,
S.Kom. M.Sc, Dr. Heri Kuswoyo, S.S., M.Hum, Muh. Agusnur, S.Pd., M.Pd, Dr.
Maulina, S.Pd., M.Pd. Thank you for your contribution of suggestions, as well as the assistance in reviewing and endorsing this book. My beloved family and all colleagues that cannot be mentioned one by one, thank you for your love, care, and support. And much love to my students in the third-semester academic year 2020/
2021 STMIK Bina Adinata, thanks for helping me to collect the data.
No ivory is not cracked. Humans are in the wrong place, and Allah SWT is the Owner of Truth. Therefore, constructive suggestions and criticisms are expected to improve quality to a higher quality. Thus, my foreword. Hopefully, this book can
guide lecturers and students in the teaching and learning process of English to
develop communication skills in the computer field.
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