A. Reading Text
Instruction: Read the following text
silently and loudly!
A website is a collection of web pages
that have interconnected and interrelated information data. The website
is created to be widely accessible via a browser application
using a URL (Uniform Resource Locator). HTTP: //www.google.com. There are
usually various types of information on a Web page in the form of text,
video, images, sound, and others. When accessing the internet, we must
be in contact with the website. Because information on the internet will be
displayed on the website page, the website page is a place to display
information on the internet. Access web pages and explore the information
contained in them.
As an analogy, a website
is like a page in a magazine/book/newspaper. It's just that the
website is displayed on the computer screen or the gadget used. Each
website has its own address. Examples of Website
addresses: www.detik.com, www.kompas.com, etc.

Based on their function, the websites can be divided into several, as
Website as a means of information
It is the primary function of the website in general,
namely as a means of information. A website can be a medium for disseminating
information to the public. Ideally, the website is used as a means of educating
various existing topics.
Website As a Means of Entertainment
Being a means of entertainment for the public is also
included in the function of the website. For example, when you read online
magazines, news about lifestyle, or reviews of films
and other works of art from existing websites
Website as a means of buying and selling / E-Commerce (online
It includes the activation of the function of the
website as e-commerce. The purpose of a website like this is to get customers
who make transactions, increase sales and customer loyalty to the
company brand.
Website as a blog
The function of a blog as a website is to update
the latest content that people are interested in / read or just become
someone's personal record (opinions and so on).
B. Questions
Instruction: Answer
the following questions based on the text!
What is a Website?
Who founded the website for the first time?
Why is a Website necessary?
What is the function of the Website in the information system?
What software is needed to create a website?
Mention the types of websites based on their function?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Website?
What is a Web Page?
C. Vocabulary
Instruction: Pay
Attention to the Difficult Words below!
No |
List of Difficult words |
Pronunciaton |
Meaning |
1 |
Interconnected |
ˌin(t)ərkəˈnektəd |
Saling berhubungan |
2 |
Accessible |
ˈakˌses əbəl |
Dapat diakses |
3 |
ˈbrouzər |
Aplikasi yang digunakan untuk menjelajah internet |
4 |
Information |
ˌinfərˈmāSH(ə)n |
Informasi |
5 |
Internet |
ˈin(t)ərˌnet |
Jaringan komputer goblal yang menyediakan
beragam informasi |
6 |
Magazine |
ˈmaɡəˌzēn |
Majalah |
7 |
Newspaper |
ˈn(y)o͞ozˌpāpər |
Koran |
8 |
Gadget |
ˈɡajət |
Instrumen/peralatan elektronik |
9 |
Address |
əˈdres |
Alamat unik pada perangkat yang digunakan
untuk komunikasi dalam jaringan |
10 |
Public |
ˈpəblik |
Umum/ terbuka |
11 |
Topic |
ˈtäpik |
Tema |
12 |
Entertainment |
ˌen(t)ərˈtānmənt |
Hiburan |
13 |
News |
n(y)o͞oz |
Berita |
14 |
Lifestyle |
ˈlīfˌstīl |
Gaya hidup |
15 |
Film |
Film |
Film |
16 |
Art |
Ärt |
Seni |
17 |
Online |
änˈlīn |
Terhubung melalui jaringan internet |
18 |
Activation |
ˌaktiˈvāSH(ə)n |
Pengaktifan |
19 |
E-commerce |
ˈēˌkämərs |
Transaksi perdagangan online |
20 |
Customer |
ˈkəstəmər |
Pelanggan |
21 |
Transactions |
tranˈzakSH(ə)n |
Transaksi |
22 |
Loyalty |
ˈloiəltē |
23 |
Brand |
Brand |
Merek |
24 |
Blog |
bläɡ |
Halaman web yang dikelola individu/ grup
dengan konten bahasa informal |
25 |
Update |
ˌəpˈdādə |
Memperbaharui |
D. Language
Focus: Simple Future Tense
Understanding the following language Focus!
Simple Future tense
Future Tense is a form of English word used to describe predictions,
intentions, and activities that will take place in the future. The Simple
Future Tense statement uses the words will, going to, and shall. These three
words have the meaning of "will" which is a word to describe
something in the future.
Formula :
Types of the Sentence |
Form |
Pattern |
Positive (+) |
Verbal |
S + Will/Shall + V1+ O |
S + am/is/are + going
to + V1 + O |
Nominal |
S + Will / Shall + be +
C |
S + is/am/are + going
to + be + C |
Negative (-) |
Verbal |
S + Will/Shall + not +
V1 + O |
S + am/is/are + not +
going to + V1 + O |
Nominal |
S + Will/shall + not +
be + C |
S + am/is/are + not + going to + be + C |
Interrogative (?) |
Verbal |
Will/shall + S + V1 +
O? |
Am/is/are + S + going to + V1 + O? |
Nominal |
Will/Shall + S + be +
C? |
Is/am/are + S + going
to + be + C? |
The form of the verb
“will / shall” is used to speak of future events for which we are sure to
The auxiliary verb will
is usually
used of the others: He, She, It, You, They.
The auxiliary verb shall, can be used for the first person, namely I and We
The auxiliary word will or shall, can also be replaced by To Be + Going to
with a slight difference in meaning.
Ø Example
Verbal simple future tense
(+) You will teach me about websites
(-) You will not teach
me about websites
(?) Are you going to teach me about websites
Nominal simple
future tense
(+) He will be here when you connect to the
(-) He will not be here when you connect to the
(?) Will he be here when you connect to the
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