As English is considered difficult and
uninteresting, most learners face challenges when learning this compulsory
subject. Thus, as lecturers or teachers, of course, our duty is not only to
deliver this material. We have to encourage and motivate the learners to love
English and keep positive thinking. Therefore, building the learners’
motivation as a mental defense is the first strategy to teach English for
Next, teachers or lecturers should create a
comfortable atmosphere in the classroom. It is introduced by Talkative and
Interesting Classroom (TIC) activities (Pratiwi, 2021). This book consists of
six chapters, which are started by teaching guidelines in each chapter.
Each chapter is divided into two meetings. While,
each session has its’ stages, target focus, activities experiences, and time
allocation. The author provides these guidelines as the reference to do the
learning process, which the users can follow or adjust with the learning
condition and their own creativity.
To achieve the learning goals, some inputs can be
distributed to the learners, such as teaching speaking through reading
practice, teaching speaking through listening practice, teaching speaking
through a writing exercise, teaching communicating through visual material,
etc. Specifically, this book is taught by distributing reading materials
related to computers as the input. The reading materials are then created into
some activities.
Teaching Speaking through Reading Material
To master English for communication goals, teachers or lecturers can design the above activities by starting from understanding the reading text. Indirectly, giving reading texts could improve learners’ vocabulary mastery and result in better pronunciation.
the reading text, there are many words in bold. They are the terms related to
computers and ICT. The bold words indicate that they need special attention. In
the first activity, the teachers or lecturers can apply the drilling method.
Students are required to read silently two or three times. After that, the
teachers or lecturers instruct the learners to read the text loudly in turns.
Each student read one to two paragraphs and would return to read after the last
student had finished reading. The activity of reading aloud is carried out in
three rounds. After that, the whole class, both lecturers and students, can
discuss the storyline, look for meanings in bold words, and pronounce them
the activity can be developed into the speaking area by discussing, drawing
conclusions, or verbally answering reading questions. These activities further
enlivened the classroom atmosphere because students moved from one place to
another and talked from one pair to others because the actions are carried out
in couples or groups. At the end of the activity, several students are randomly
asked to retell the reading content individually.
the learning experience will be better when it is started by greeting students,
giving ice breaking, and stimulating students’ motivation. Then, closing the
class by giving conclusions, delivering thanks, or appreciating the students
for the excellent attention, and sending warm regard to students to establish a
good rapport with them.
W. R. (2021). EFL Learners’ Motivations and Speaking Learning Strategies in
an English Village-based Immersion Program at kampung Inggris Pare (Unpublished
Doctoral thesis), State University of Makassar, Indonesia.
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