Kamis, 06 Maret 2025

English for Publishing Professionals: The CENTRUM Framework

"Speak with confidence, publish with impact. Your journey to excellence starts here!"

English for Publishing Professionals: The CENTRUM Framework is designed to equip students and professionals with specialized English skills tailored to the publishing industry. Unlike generic English courses, this book integrates reading, writing, speaking, listening, and grammar into interactive learning experiences. Through structured guidelines, engaging reading materials, targeted vocabulary exercises, and industry-relevant language focus sections, learners develop both linguistic competence and publishing expertise.

For educators, this book offers practical teaching strategies, including the Talkative and Interesting Classroom (TIC) approach, to foster motivation and engagement in the classroom. Meanwhile, learners are guided through a neuro-cognitive strategy that enhances vocabulary retention, pronunciation, and fluency through five key steps: acquiring input, note-taking, reviewing, imitating, and practicing. These methods ensure a structured yet flexible learning process, making English acquisition more relevant and effective.

Written by Dr. Widya Rizky Pratiwi, an experienced educator in English for publishing students, this book serves as a valuable resource for both instructors and learners. With its practical framework and real-world applications, English for Publishing Professionals: The CENTRUM Framework helps individuals develop the communication skills needed to succeed in the global publishing industry.Penulis: Dr. Widya Rizky Pratiwi, S.Pd., MM

Jenis Buku: Buku Ajar
Jumlah Hal.: 128 halaman
Ukuran Kertas: 15,5 x 23 cm
Penyunting Naskah: Lukytta Gusti Acfira
Layout: Maghdalena
Cover: Risma Amanda Putri

Minggu, 06 Agustus 2023


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Kamis, 19 Mei 2022

Task 16: Final Examination








Mata Kuliah

English for Specific Purpose Advertising


Rabu/ 25 Mei 2022


Dr. Widya Rizky Pratiwi, S.Pd., MM

W a k t u


Bobot kredit

2 sks

Kelas/ Semester

IR21A/ Dua

Sifat Ujian

Penugasan berbasis proyek

Tahun Akademik

2021/ 2022


Deskripsi Ujian:

Ujian Akhir Semester yang diberikan pada mata kuliah English Specific Purpose for Advertising terdiri dari dua sesi yaitu sesi pertanyaan (tes sumatif) yang akan ditanyaan saat ujian berlangsng dan sesi penugasan berbasis proyek (Project based-Assesment) yang mana penugasan tersebut wajib terkumpul pada hari ujian tiba (Rabu, 25 Mei 2022). Berikut adalah tugas yang dimaksud


Final Project 1: Questions Session (Summative Test)


1.       Introduction to an advertisement?

2.       Finding the Customers?

3.       Planning a Marketing Strategy?

4.       Where to Advertise/ marketing Tools?


Final Project 2: Project-based Assessment



1.       Enlarge vocabulary related to advertising

2.       Improve speaking fluency

3.       Improve self-confidence

4.       Improve communication skills



  1. Create two promotional designs to advertise your product. The ad contains images and also important words to represent the contents of the image so that customers understand the advantages of the product just by looking at the image. The designs are:

a.       Obligation: Polimedia or advertising Polimedia

b.      Free: Any product you want (food, drink, clothes, etc).

  1. Describe your ad designs as attractive as possible by using your own sentences to attract the attention of customers to be willing to buy and use your product.
  2. Present your designs by making a video recording with minimal 5 minutes.








Speaking Fluency









Good Luck 😊


Sabtu, 07 Mei 2022

Task 13 & 14: Group work of chapter 4



After getting to know marketing tools and reading the text in chapter 4, students are required to understand more deeply the reading contents and master marketing tools to provide capital when they involve themselves in business and marketing tools.

Therefore, at the 13th meeting, students were divided into three groups to complete assignments based on their groups. Below is the group members' name and the tasks:

Group 1: Nurmila, Khadafi

Task: 10 questions of reading text (with answers)

Group 2: Rahmatullah, Muh Aldi, Nurmaulana

Task: 20 vocabularies of reading text (with pronunciation and definitions)

Group 3: Fatwah Cholis, Jumarni

Task: 20 marketing tools (with explanations)

Then, after finishing all the assignments, at the 14th meeting, the students are asked to practice directly what they have done in the previous meeting. Here, the students should read and pronounce the tasks. 

Rabu, 27 April 2022

Chapter 4: Marketing Tools: Where to Advertise?



A.  Warming Up



Think, Speak Up, and Do It (ThiSuDo)

ΓΌ  Can you add any distribution channels below? Which channels do you usually use? Why?



B.    Reading Text

Reading Comprehension

Instruction: Read the following text silently and loudly!

 Marketing a product or service in the current digital marketing era has challenges. But, it also presents promising opportunities. It is said to have challenges because the changes in marketing trends are accelerating. A businessman must always be prepared to face changes, especially in how consumer behavior works. This challenge, of course, presents new opportunities for the one who can adapt fastly. For that, we need the right marketing tools. With the right marketing tools, we can do many things that can be done to increase not only sales but also build a brand so that consumers always remember its existence.

Marketing tools are tools that companies use to develop and promote their products and services. In this context, the word ‘tools‘ refers to techniques, strategies, and materials. In most cases, people use multiple marketing tools at the same time. Businessmen use various marketing tools to communicate company information, stimulate customer interest and motivate action to take decisions. An integrated marketing approach applies several tactics to engage customers and build a business.”

Types of marketing tools

Below are some marketing tools with an explanation of what they are and why businesses use them.

Classified adverts

Classified adverts or classified ads help generate potential customers. Classified ads can direct people to a specific website or webpage. They can also attract people who seek further information.

Social media

In Internet marketing, social media is a marketing tool where we try to develop an interactive online relationship with consumers. Blogging, posting, sharing, and tweeting are popular social media marketing tools.

Internet marketing refers to marketing that only occurs online, such as Search engine optimization (SEO). Search engine optimization refers to techniques to increase people's website's appearance on search engines. There are several ways to improve our SEO. One of the first steps is to secure a reliable and simple domain name that is relevant to our site, industry, or keywords we want to match for.


Surveys help determine which products to create and improve or upgrade existing products. Besides, surveys are also helpful if we want to rate our and our rivals' products. Surveys can be done face-to-face, on the telephone, online, etc. These tools can ask a representative sample of consumers what they like about our and our competitors' products.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is beneficial if we have an online business and operate a website. It gives us an overview of where our visitors are coming from. It also tells us what type of people are visiting and which content on our website performs best. We can also use Google Analytics to work out visitor conversions. Of course, this data will help us set up conversion goals.

Media Monitoring Tools

These marketing tools scan the web and inform us of conversations relevant to our company, product, or brand. These tools scan, for example, social media sites, forums, blogs, and videos.

Media monitoring lets us discover what people are saying about us online, so we can jump in and respond or react to conversations, decrease the spread of negative information, and even help increase awareness of our product, service, or organization."


Automation tools are marketing tools that save a lot of time. Marketers can save time wasted doing those daily tasks like saving files and emails to spreadsheets. Some devices allow us to create chains of applets that work with Facebook, Twitter, Fitbit, Google Drive, and Gmail.




Selasa, 26 April 2022

Task 15: Matching Key Words


Task 1:

Match the types of shops in the box with the definitions (1-8).

Outlet stores

Online stores

Mail-order stores


High-street shops


Convenience stores

Chain stores

  1. Large no-frills stores located outside the town centre outlet stores
  2. Stores selling thorough the internet ____________
  3. Independently-owned shops licensed to trade under the same name _________
  4. Shops located in the centre of town ______________
  5. Shops run by a single company with multiple locations around the country ___________
  6. Very large stores that sells grociers, chothes, and many others products ____________
  7. Stores selling through a catalogue posted to customers ___________
  8. Small, independently-owned stores selling essential products ______________

Task 2:

James Albright has just received the email from Widya Pratiwi, a Swiss manufacturer of hand-held scanners. Widya is expanding her company's services in Australia and is interested in hiring Total Telemarketing to design a campaign for them. Use the following words in the box to complete the email.

Dear Mr. Albright,

I have just _____________ your website, and am ________ in learning more about the services you offer. Specifically, I ________ to know the cost of your services. Are they __________ per cal or per hour? Also, how much preparation time do you __________ before you are ready to begin? And finally, how much support do you need from us once the campaign has been __________?.

I would ___________ the ooportunity to discuss these questions further. You can _________ me at +6285255333660.

Yours sincerely,

Widya Pratiwi

Marketing Assistant

Rabu, 13 April 2022

Chapter 3: Develop a Marketing Plan and Strategy


A.  Warming Up



Think, Speak Up, and Do It (ThiSuDo)

ΓΌ  Which of the following points do you discuss when drawing up a marketing plan? Are there any factors you can add?


B.  Reading Text

Reading Comprehension

Instruction: Read the following text silently and loudly!


Effective marketing starts with a considered, well-informed marketing strategy. A good marketing strategy helps us define clear, realistic, and measurable marketing objectives for our business.

Our marketing strategy affects how we run our business, so it should be planned and developed in consultation with our team. It is a wide-reaching and comprehensive strategic planning tool that:

  • Describes our business and its products and services
  • Explains the position and role of our products and services in the market
  • Profiles our customers and our competition
  • Identifies the marketing tactics we will use
  • Allows us to build a marketing plan (the tactics to deliver) and measure its effectiveness.

A marketing strategy sets the overall direction and goals for our marketing, which differs from a marketing plan. A marketing plan outlines the specific actions we will take to implement our marketing strategy. For example, our marketing strategy could be developed for the next few years, while our marketing plan usually describes tactics to be achieved in the current year.

Developing a marketing strategy that includes the components listed below will help us make the most of our marketing investment, keep our marketing focused, and measure and improve our sales results.

Identify our business goals.

Align our marketing strategy to the business goals outlined in our business plan; we can then define a set of marketing goals to support them. Our business goals might include:

  • increasing awareness of our products and services
  • selling more products from a particular supplier
  • reaching a new customer segment.

When setting goals, it's critical to be as targeted as possible to effectively measure the outcomes against what we set out to achieve. A simple criterion for goal-setting is the SMART method: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.

State our marketing goals

These marketing goals could be long-term and might take a few years to successfully achieve. However, they should be clear and measurable and have time frames for achievement.

Make sure our overall strategies are also practical and measurable. A good marketing strategy will not be changed every year but revised when our approach has been achieved or our marketing goals have been met. We may need to amend our strategy if our external market changes due to a new competitor or technology or if our products change substantially.

Research our market

Research is an essential part of the marketing strategy. We need to gather information about our market, including its size, growth, social trends, and demographics (population statistics such as age, gender, and family type). In addition, it is essential to keep an eye on our market to know of any changes over time so our strategy remains relevant and targeted.

Profile potential customers

Use the market research to develop a profile of the customers we target and identify their needs. The profile will reveal their buying patterns, including how they buy, where they buy, and what they buy. Again, regularly review trends, so we don't miss out on new opportunities or become irrelevant to our marketing message.

While we try to find new customers, ensure our marketing strategy also allows us to maintain relationships with our existing customers.

Profile our competitors

Similarly, as part of our marketing strategy, we should develop our competitors' profiles by identifying their products, supply chains, pricing, and marketing tactics.

Use this to identify our competitive advantage – what sets our business apart from our competitors. We may also want to identify the strengths and weaknesses of our own internal processes to help improve our performance compared with our competition.

Develop strategies to support our marketing goals

List our target markets and devise strategies to attract and retain them. An example goal could be to increase people's awareness of our products. The mean strategy could be to increase our online social media presence by posting regular updates about our product on Instagram or Facebook; advertising in local magazines targeted to people; or offering discounts for students.

Use the '7 Ps of marketing.'

Reach our selected market by utilizing the 7 Ps of the marketing mix. If we can choose the right combination of marketing across product, price, promotion, place, people, process, and physical evidence, our marketing strategy is more likely to succeed. We can choose any combination of these to achieve our marketing strategy.

Test our ideas

In deciding our tactics, do some online research, test some ideas and approaches on our customers and staff, and review what works. We will need to choose several tactics to meet our customers' needs, reach the customers within our target market and improve our sales results.

English for Publishing Professionals: The CENTRUM Framework

"Speak with confidence, publish with impact. Your journey to excellence starts here!" English for Publishing Professionals: The CE...