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Task 16: Final Examination

    KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN POLITEKNIK NEGERI MEDIA KREATIF PROGRAM STUDI DILUAR KAMPUS UTAMA MAKASSAR PROGRAM STUDI PERIKLANAN UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER (U A S) GENAP Mata Kuliah English for Specific Purpose Advertising Hari/Tanggal          Rabu/ 25 Mei 2022 Dosen Dr. Widya Rizky Pratiwi, S.Pd., MM W a k t u 11.55 Bobot kredit 2 sks Kelas/ Semester IR21A/ Dua Sifat Ujian Penugasan berbasis proyek Tahun Akademik 2021/ 2022   Deskripsi Ujian: Ujian Akhir Semester yang diberikan pada mata kuliah English Specific Purpose for Advertising terdiri dari dua sesi yaitu sesi pertanyaan (tes sumatif) yang akan ditanyaan saat ujian berla

Task 13 & 14: Group work of chapter 4 After getting to know marketing tools and reading the text in chapter 4, students are required to understand more deeply the reading contents and master marketing tools to provide capital when they involve themselves in business and marketing tools. Therefore, at the 13th meeting, students were divided into three groups to complete assignments based on their groups. Below is the group members' name and the tasks: Group 1: Nurmila, Khadafi Task: 10 questions of reading text (with answers) Group 2: Rahmatullah, Muh Aldi, Nurmaulana Task: 20 vocabularies of reading text (with pronunciation and definitions) Group 3: Fatwah Cholis, Jumarni Task: 20 marketing tools (with explanations) Then, after finishing all the assignments,  at the 14th meeting,  the students are asked to practice directly what they have done in the previous meeting. Here, the students should read and pronounce the tasks. 

Chapter 4: Marketing Tools: Where to Advertise?   A.   Warming Up Introduction Instruction: Think, Speak Up, and Do It (ThiSuDo) ü   Can you add any distribution channels below? Which channels do you usually use? Why?     B.     Reading Text Reading Comprehension Instruction: Read the following text silently and loudly!   Marketing a product or service in the current digital marketing era has challenges. But, it also presents promising opportunities. It is said to have challenges because the changes in marketing trends are accelerating. A businessman must always be prepared to face changes, especially in how consumer behavior works. This challenge, of course, presents new opportunities for the one who can adapt fastly. For that, we need the right marketing tools. With the right marketing tools, we can do many things that can be done to increase not only sales but also build a brand so that consumers always remember its existence. Marketing tools are tools that companies use to develop and promote the

Task 15: Matching Key Words / Task 1: Match the types of shops in the box with the definitions (1-8). Outlet stores Online stores Mail-order stores Hypermarkets High-street shops Franchises Convenience stores Chain stores Large no-frills stores located outside the town centre outlet stores Stores selling thorough the internet ____________ Independently-owned shops licensed to trade under the same name _________ Shops located in the centre of town ______________ Shops run by a single company with multiple locations around the country ___________ Very large stores that sells grociers, chothes, and many others products ____________ Stores selling through a catalogue posted to customers ___________ Small, independently-owned stores selling essential products ______________ Task 2: James Albright has just received the email from Widya Pratiwi, a Swiss manufacturer of hand-held scanner

Chapter 3: Develop a Marketing Plan and Strategy A.   Warming Up Introduction Instruction: Think, Speak Up, and Do It (ThiSuDo) ü   Which of the following points do you discuss when drawing up a marketing plan? Are there any factors you can add?   B.   Reading Text Reading Comprehension Instruction: Read the following text silently and loudly!   Effective marketing starts with a considered, well-informed marketing strategy. A good marketing strategy helps us define clear, realistic, and measurable marketing objectives for our business. Our marketing strategy affects how we run our business, so it should be planned and developed in consultation with our team. It is a wide-reaching and comprehensive strategic planning tool that: Describes our business and its products and services Explains the position and role of our products and services in the market Profiles our customers and our competition Identifies the marketing tactics we will use Allow

Task 11 & 12: Matching the Key Words & Organizing sentences